
Norwegian Flying Team

Norwegian Flying Team er en interessegruppe for deg som driver med konkurranseflyging eller er nysgjerrig på å starte .  Her samles utøvere innen presisjonsflyging og ANR, både for sportsfly og motorfly. Vi koordinerer trening, sponsorer og rekrutering.

Er du nysgjerrig på konkurranseflyging, bli medlem og følg våre aktiviteter og sammenkomster.


Norwegian Flying Team

#WeFlyAsOne #AirSportsLiveTracking

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​Webinar Air Sports Live Tracking 15/1-22

Welcome to an introduction to Air Sports Live Tracking. A free webinar where we will show you and your friends how to use Air Sports Live Tracking for competition, training and social events. The webinar is open to everyone so please share the link with your friends. 

DATE: Saturday 15th of January 2022

TIME: 14:00 UTC


TEAMS: Click on this link to attend.

(The link is active 5 minutes before the webinar starts)

Webinar: Introduction to Air Sports Live Tracking!

- About Live Tracking and airsports.no

- Easy to participate and go flying.

- How to make a competition

- Easy task setup; * Precision * ANR * Poker Run * Danger Zone

- Share a contest and include media.

- Around the world in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Air Sports Live Tracking is a free web-based competition tool, you can create routes like Air Navigation Race, Precision Flying or Poker Run. It can also include Danger Zones or/and Penalty Areas etc. Use your mobile phone as a tracker, just download the app "Air Sport Live Tracking" and log in with your email address. No logger or software necessary. All participants can easily register to a competition through the app and go flying with an automatically generated flight order. This makes it Ideal for training and social events.  Welcome!

Bli med på webinarer!




There are currently no future activities

Espen Grønstad (konkurranseutvalg Sportsfly)

Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen

ANR i Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Ole Rennehvammen

Hedvig Langehaug

Gulbrand Thomlevold

Air Sports Live Tracking

GA Live Tracking

Air Navigation Racing

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Hva er Air Sports Live Tracking

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Air Sports Live Tracking

IG Trading - besøk vår partner!

NM Motor/Sportsfly + Treningshelg: 25-28 mai 2023 m/ungdomssamling

VELKOMMEN til treningssamling + NM for Motor- & Sportsflyseksjonen. 

Påmelding:  https://surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=rmunup7t

Treningssamling & NM 2023 – Presisjonsflyging - Starmoen 25. - 28. mai

Sports- og motorflygere ønskes velkommen til treningssamling og Norgesmesterskap på Starmoen 25. - 28. mai. Dette er en fantastisk mulighet til å utvikle nyttige ferdigheter og bli mer kjent med flyet sitt. Det vil være to dager med trening og sosialt samvær i forkant av konkurransen, der fly og intruktører vil være tilgjengelig for besøkende.

Konkurransen er åpen for alle piloter og man trenger ingen forkunnskaper. Den kan flys med motor- eller sportsfly. Alle blir veiledet og får hjelp før avgang. Her kan dere se liveopptak fra fjorårets konkurranse på NRK: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nm-vek...

Presisjonsflyging (Air Sports Race) er en konkurranse hvor et lag (pilot/navigatør) skal fly en gitt rute etter en gitt hastighet. Ruten inneholder en korridor som deltagerne skal holde seg innenfor. Ruten har et klart definert start og målpasserings punkt som deltakerene skal passere til definerte tidspunkt, i tillegg blir det en rekke kjente og noen ukjente tidskontroller. Deltagerne blir bedømt ut ifra om de klarer å holde seg innenfor korridoren og passere tidskontrollene iht angitt tid. Etter målpasserings punkt må laget navigere gjennom et «minefelt» på vei til tilbake til flyplassen, landingen etter endt navigasjon scores live. I år vil det i tillegg bli en separat landingkonkurranse.

Air Sports Race flys med et crew på 2 personer (Pilot/Navigatør). De med minst prikker etter flygningen vinner, enkelt og greit. Rutene er ikke for lang, beregn total flytid på rundt 40 min fra take-off til landing.


Det er valgfri ankomst. Ønsker man kun å være med på konkurransen eller kun treningssamling er

det fullt mulig. Første Navigasjon vil være fredag 26. mai på ettermiddagen, den er obligatorisk for å delta i NM. For unge piloter (under 26) vil NLF støtte deler av kostnadene. Mer info kommer.

Foreløpig program:

Torsdag 25: Treningssamling / Sosialt Samvær

Fredag 26: Treningssamling / 1. Navigasjonskonkurranse NM

Lørdag 27: Navigasjon 2. + Landingskonkurranse + Festmiddag/Premieutdeling

Søndag 28: Avreise / Reservedag 

Obligatorisk deltageravgift kr 500,- pr lag, betales ved ankomst, og gjelder for én eller flere dager. Spørsmål? Send mail til Jone: jone.r.mathisen@gmail.com

Påmelding:  https://surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=rmunup7t


TOP GUN RACE i Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Bli med på TOP GUN AIR RACE i Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020! 

Vi arrangerer årets STØRSTE Air Sports Race i MSFS2020 torsdag 26.05.2022 kl 15:00-20:00. Dette er en samling hvor vi møtes og flyr for gøy. Her får du en "Flight Order" med fysisk kart og bilder som brukes for å fly og navigere igjennom løypa. 

Målet er å navigere seg igjennom forbudtområder, minefelt og korridorer med hjelp av et kart og visuelle referanser. Konkurransen går ut på å få færrest mulige straffepoeng.

Sted: MSFS2020 - Kjeller Flyplass ENKJ

Kommunikasjon: Discord "MSFS2020 Air Sports Competitions"

Discord invitasjon: Air Sports Live Tracking

Dato: Torsdag 26.05.2022 15:00-20:00


Flytype: F/A-18E Super Hornet eller etter eget ønske.


Vi bruker Discord som kommunikasjonskanal. Her kan vi prate sammen underveis. Vi vil være tilgjengelige tirsdag 24 mai kl 12:00 for å gå igjennom opplegget, oppsett, installasjon av klient for MSFS osv. Løypene må gjerne flys flere ganger, og det er også mulig å få tilgang til å lage egne konkurranser og løyper etter hvert. Se veiledning under for å komme i gang og bli kjent med opplegget før vi starter!



Veiledning til MSFS2020 i Air Sports Live Tracking
Veiledning til MSFS2020 i Air Sports Live Tracking

Fly konkurranser i MSFS 2020

Bli med torsdag 26.05.2022 kl  15:00 - 20:00

Her er det lav terskel for å være med! Så hiv deg med og opplev den annen side av GA flyving i simulatoren. Du kommer garantert til å sette pris på den naturtro gjengivelse av det norske land!   #WeFlyTogether


Veiledning til MSFS 2020 i Air Sports Live Tracking



Air Sports Live Tracking        Konkurranseutvalget   Ungdomsutvalget NLF
www.airsports.no                             www.nlf.no

Air Sports Live Tracking

GA Live Tracking

Air Sports Live Tracking

Air Sports Live Tracking

Bruker din egen smarttelefon som gps-logger i konkurranser. I tillegg kan du følge konkurransen live på airsports.no

Air Sports Live Tracking er et helt nytt system for konkurranse- og tur flyging.  Her kan du følge alle fly som bruker Air Sports Live Tracking på airsports.no eller direkte i APPen. I kartet ser du reg-id, track, høyde og hastighet. Du kan også legge til bilde og navn etter ønske. Under konkurranser får du «real-time» oversikt over poeng og rangering av utøverne. I det globale kartet finner du konkurranser og eventer.

Air Sports Live Tracking tilbyr også Live Tracking i det globale kartet for generell GA trafikk.  Ønsker du flere funksjoner for trafikkovervåking har vi et samarbeid med SafeSky.  Les mer på https://www.safesky.app/

Air Sports Live Tracking og SafeSky samarbeider med å dele hverandres posisjoner i det globale kartet. SafeSky gir flere muligheten til integrasjon med blant annet Skydemon og trafikk varsling med mer.

Last gjerne ned Air Sports Live Tracking  fra Google Play or Apple App Store.

Introduksjon til Air Sports Live Tracking 2022


​Last ned APPen - Air Sports Live Tracking

  1. Last ned APPen Air Sports Live Tracking fra Google Play eller Apple App Store

  2. Når du skal registrere appen på telefonen må du bruke en epost som du har tilgang til via mobiltelefonen. Når du åpner linken inne på din mobil, aktiviserer denne appen og du blir da registret som bruker. Denne autentiseringen er en standard Google autentisering. (Mangler du mail, husk å sjekk spam filter)
  3. Pass på at du gir APPen adgang til posisjon og bateri. Spesielt på Huawei må du manuelt gi APPen tilgang til batteri/strøm når den er i «dvale» modus.
  4. I profilen din vises flyets registrerings nummer i det globale kartet, men i konkurranser vises navnet ditt. Under konkurranser vises også ditt profilbilde.  (Gjelder dog ikke poker run, der vises kortene dine)
  5. For å sende din posisjon og bli synlig i det globale karet, krever dette et lite abonnement. Dette koster for månedsabonnement 39 kr/mnd, eller du kan velge årsabonnement som koster 95 kr/år. (Ønsker du å bruke appen mer enn en måned, er billigste alternativ årsabonnement som da utgjør kun 8 kr i måneden.) Du styrer selv abonnementet ditt via din Apple eller Google konto.
  6. Apple og Google tillater at du har abonnementet på flere enheter. (hvor mange kan variere) Forutsetningen er at det er samme kontoprofil hos Google alternativt APPLE. For å aktivisere på andre enheter velger du «Restore» abonnement inne på abonnements siden i appen. Dette gjør du også ved re-installasjon.

Tutorial Air Sports Live Tracking

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Registrer deg og fly en konkurranse:

Logg inn.

  • Med APPen er du automatisk logget inn og du kan åpne det "Globale kartet" inne i appen. Der kan du velge ut den konkurransen som du ønsker å delta i.
  • Du kan også logge inn på websiden manuelt ved å trykke på tannhjulet og velge første gangs innlogging.

Registrer påmelding

  • Velg konkurransen du vil delta på
  • Trykk på "Register Crew"
    Her legger du inn din hastighet, reg-id på flyet og klubb. Du kan også legge inn Co-Pilot men da må copilot også ha lastet ned Air Sports Appen.

Start flyvning 

  • Etter registrering av crew, kan du velge "Schedule Flight"
  • Legg inn dato, tid og vind så er du klar til å fly!
  • Du får automatisk en "Flight Order" på mail med instruks, kart og bilder.

NB! Pass på at du flyr innenfor tiden som er tildelt i instruksen! Du blir ikke logget utenfor denne tiden.

Da gjenstår bare å skru på logger når du står på flyplassen i "Competition mode" - Lykke til!

Tutorial Self Registration

Air Sports in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Air Sports Live Tracking har laget en integrering til Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Det gjør at du kan fly og delta i konkurranser gjennom flysimulatoren.

Last ned PDF veileder for MSFS i Air Sports Live Tracking:

Air Sports MSFS2020 guide

AirSports MSFS Client.pdf

We Fly Together!

Competitions Rules and Tips!

Most competitions are about flying at a fixed air speed, for example 80 Knots, and passing the time gate on correct time. The route has different timing gates where you get a score depending on how close you are to your ideal track-time. The master watch will be your computer so remember to check your computer clock and synchronize it with a watch you can use that include hours, minutes and seconds. If the track has a corridor stay inside. Every second outside the corridor will result in penalties.  On task webpage you can press the i-icon (in the top right corner) for more competition details.


With adaptive start – the timing starts from the “Start Gate” where it will give you points based on passing the “Start Gate” according to the nearest full minute of your master watch. From that full minute the route is showed as a stop-watch timing to the finish point. The map shows you time-gates and minute markings of where and when you should be. A stopwatch is recommended for adaptive start.

Scheduled time for takeoff. (Not adaptive). The flight order tells you when to takeoff and at what time to cross the “start gate”. Remember to sync your master watch with the computer “time” so you have the precise timing for crossing the start gate.   Between takeoff and the start gate you can more or less fly as you want, but remember to be there in time and do not cross “extended start line” before entering the start gate. In the competition do not turn more than 90° on track, that gives you backtrack penalty.

The task is to use visual objects in the landscape and navigating the route on time by just using a map from the “Flight Order” and a compass. No autopilot is allowed. 

Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Tutorial AirSport.no 20 min

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A New Era for Competition Flying!

In the search for a new and simple system for live tracking and scoring of competition flying, Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen and Espen Grønstad from Norway, ended up in building a brand-new system. The system provides competition setup, task manager, crew registration, and online live tracking with real time scoring. “This is a truly milestone in our sport history!” – Says Yago Osset from the Spanish national competition team.

Live on National Television 

The strength of this system was demonstrated this summer when the Norwegian National Broadcaster - NRK, decided to follow the Norwegian championship in precision flying live for almost three full hours on a Friday afternoon 25th of June.  This was such a success that the Norwegian Air Sports Federation and NRK are already starting to make plans for the broadcast of the 2022 championship. The broadcast was a part of the versatile national championship in different sports. 

Air Sports Live Tracking was an essential part of the broadcast. The ability to follow the aircrafts and the crews through the task with real-time scoring allowed the public to take part in the suspense when the aircrafts crossed the timing gates. Without the Air Sports Live Tracking system, there probably would not have been a full broadcast, was the feedback from the producer at NRK. This was the first time a National Television company followed the full length of an air sports competition in Norway.

“This was a test for all parties. The number of viewers was in general better than expected, in fact they were the largest of any of the versatile national championship broadcasts. An important observation was that a large majority of the viewers watched the competition in full length. They didn’t turn off the TV or switch channel. This confirms the entertainment value and shows that competition flying belongs on TV together with all other sports. We are very happy and proud of the result.” Says Espen Grønstad, Co-founder of Air Sports Live Tracking. Wolfgang Lintl - President FAI Microlight and Paramotor Commission commented: “I am impressed by the publicity and media coverage you got with this event. Bravo and thank you for sharing this." The Norwegian Air Sports Association also stated in its July newsletter that the tracking system developed by Espen Grønstad and Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen was a decisive factor for the TV program to be good. The system worked flawlessly and helped the TV audience get a good understanding of what the competition is about.

You can watch the broadcas in the NRK archive: 

Behind the scenes NRK mounting cameras to the aircraft of Team IG (Photo Espen Grønstad /NRK Screenshot)

What is Air Sports Live Tracking?

Air Sports Live Tracking is an online system for creating and hosting flying competitions. It is based on FAI rules and you can arrange tasks like Precision Flying, Rally Flying or Air Navigation Race. You can even find modules for Pilot Poker Run and landing competition. It is free to use and everyone who wants can become an organizer. It allows you to create your own competitions with different tasks, and it helps you with crew registration etc. The participants do not need a logger to attend, a smartphone is sufficient for competition tracking. The Live Tracking system also works together with other programs like Flight Contest, if you are already familiar with this. The goal is just to go flying and watch the competition on airsports.no.  

Unique stand-alone solution – no logger or software needed!

The most unique part of the Air Sports Live Tracking system is the stand-alone simplicity. At no cost you can create a competition on the website and prepare everything. The system automatically generates a flight order; including map and images - ready to fly. The Only thing the pilot need, is to download the APP, print the flight order - and go flying. 

The Air Sports Live Tracking system even has an integration with Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 + Flight Order

Creating a competition!

After logging in to airsports.no and requesting competition privileges you get access to the competition management. With the help of an integrated online route editor, you can create a competition task with; track, gates, prohibited areas, penalty areas and information boxes etc. This you can go directly to satellite mode for precisely placing gates and also include an overlay from OpenAIP, to avoid airspace intrusion challenges. When finished, you create a precision or ANR task from your route. To schedule the start of a task the organizer has two options. 1. The organizer can register the crews and schedule the starting times, or; 2. Let the pilots do it themselves. The pilot/crew can easily register and schedule their takeoff time through the global map page in the app, after which the pilot receives an email with an automatically generated flight order. This explains the scoring for the specific task, and gives the calculated start and finish times. It also includes a pre-prepared map with track, heading, wind correction, minute marks, speed and photos of the turning points. The turning point photos are automatically cropped satellite photos, orientated in the track heading. “We can also include more free map tiles, if they are given to us.” – Says Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen

The Air Sports Live Tracking route editor lets you easily make your own task. Including flight order instruction!

APP for competition and leisure flying!

When someone has created a competition, the only thing you need for participation is the Air Sports Live Tracking app. This sends your position every 5 seconds in leisure mode and every second in competition mode. The system interpolates between the positions so even if the phone is not able to send as rapidly as every second, it determines your position quite exact. Each user has a unique profile which is verified when installing the app. This allows you to include a profile picture and an aircraft id. If you are in a competition or just flying for pleasure, you can see yourself and everyone else in the global map in the app or at www.airsports.no. This helps you to get a better understanding of the traffic information around you. This can also help you to be aware of situations or aircraft you did not know about.  “We see from our experience that the mobile coverage is in general verry good, and the accuracy definitely gives us a good picture of the traffic around you. But even with excellent accuracy we emphasize that this is not intended as a safety tool, but for entertainment use only.” – Says Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen witch is the lead engineer in his spare time, and a satellite systems developer in his day job. Like every other tracking system, when you are flying VFR the most important part is keep a good look out.

 On the global map you get local events and general traffic information! APP development by CreoIT.com

Passion not business! 

“We started with just a small idea of a Live Tracking system for local competitions. But the idea grew, and soon the system and hours grew exponentially.” says Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen. As we speak Frank Olaf and Espen have spent an estimated more than 1500 hours to get where they are now. And they are not finished! 

Unlike many other systems in aviation, the Air Sports Live Tracking system is free to use. Until recently all costs were covered by the developers. But after promising results, the Norwegian Air Sports Federation (NLF) agreed to help. “We are very glad for the financial support we have received from NLF. It does not cover the total cost, but it was an important contribution to keep the cost of the APP as low as possible.”  – Says Espen Grønstad who handles financial and commercial operations. Today the APP has a subscription cost of $8.49 pr year. This is also for financial safety in case of increased usage that will require a bigger server and to prevent unwanted usage from people outside the aviation community. It is not sufficient to cover the development, especially after fees and taxes etc. But Espen and Frank Olaf are not doing this for financial gains. “We do this because we want to help other aviators to find the joy in competition flying, and help with recruitment.” – Both Frank Olaf and Espen reply. 

Even if the Air Sports Live Tracking is not motivated by financial gain, the project is not free to make. Espen and Frank Olaf are looking for partners and beneficial sponsors. “We are looking for a partner that can help us finance the next step in development. We can’t promise much in return, but styling and logo on the web page is a good trade off.” Says Espen Grønstad. If you have any knowledge of potential partners, we advise them to get in contact.  For future development, they are looking at the possibility of integrating several types of competitions modules, creating integration with SkyDemon, AirNavPro etc for traffic awareness and professionalizing the system with an external gps for use in international championships, etc. The list is long and the potential is huge, but it needs some funding. “We are using an external company for APP development. Creoit.com has done a fantastic job and helped us a lot. They are extremely good at APP development, but if we want to move forward with our plans, we cannot expect everything to be done on charity.” Says Espen Grønstad.

Team Air Sports live Tracking

From left: Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen and Espen Grønstad with their Pipistrel Alpha Trainer (Photo: Anders Gundersen)

Air Sports Live Tracking

Air Sports Live Tracking is an online tracking platform for use in competition flying and social flying events. Use your cell phone as a tracker for leisure flying or competition! It was founded by Espen Grønstad and Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen in 2021.


Local competition in Bergen, where the excitement on ground is following the finale! (Photo: Espen Grønstad)



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